Thank you for visiting my website! I am Luka Esenko, a Slovenian photographer based in Ljubljana. Here I share my experiences, knowledge and thoughts from my adventures in Slovenia and abroad.
My full-time job is leading photo tours and workshops to Slovenia, Croatia, Italy and other nearby countries. These are all small-group and private trips where I offer a broader experience – photography, culture, food & wine and fun.
I look forward to meeting you on one of my trips soon and to helping you get the most out of your photography and the time we spend travelling together!

Photo Tours & Workshops
Join my popular photo workshops in Slovenia, Croatia, Italy and the Balkan countries (& occasionally more exotic places too!)

Photo Prints
My online gallery is in the works but if there is a specific photograph that you would like to hang in your home or office – let me know.

As a co-founder of PhotoHound I invite you to join our community of travel and landscape photographers and discover new places to shoot.